Till Schönwetter

I am romanticising landscapes, recursion and technology.
I am working at wonk. A duo with Miguel Rangil.

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  • October 2022 Thing in itself
    Thing in Itself, 2021.10, Godot game-engine, PLA,

    en: “Reflecting the leap of technology capable of capturing 3D space, the telephone booth and its environment are scanned with a smartphone. Exhibited is a fragmented and manipulated literal meaning of the concept “Thing in itself”, which is an object as it is, independent of observation. By scanning the QR code you are transported into digital space.”

    slo: Vabljeni na otvoritev razstave Tilla Schönwetterja, 22.9 ob 19ih na Ljubljanski Špici, v Portalu 2-7-7-7-8.
    Kot odsev tehnološkega skoka, ki lahko zajame 3D prostor, se telefonska govorilnica in njeno okolje skenirata s pametnim telefonom. Razstavljen je razdrobljen in manipuliran dobesedni pomen koncepta "thing-in-itself", ki je predmet, kakršen je, neodvisen od opazovanja. Skeniranje kode QR vas prenese v digitalni prostor.

    The place of the exhibition, a telephone booth gallery called Portal 27778 (very nicely curated, thank you for having me) and its environment in Ljubljana Slovenia, was 3D scanned and then virtually placed in its real counterparts position, as well as 3D printed and placed in itself, an ironic take on the concept of the “thing in itself”.
    Using a phone and its gyro, the user can explore the virtual world with their phone like they are looking through its camera.